CBD Minute

CBD Softgels

Introduction to CBD Softgels

CBD comes in many forms including oils, powders, and softgels. For those who don’t enjoy the taste of hemp, softgels may be the right product for them. CBD softgels offer simplicity and convenience and are labeled with the amount of CBD that is contained in each softgel. Some brands offer softgels ranging between 10mg to 100mg per gel. Besides CBD, most formulas contain other cannabinoids like CBG and CBN, as well as terpenes and fatty acids. Most softgels are water-soluble,...

What to Look for in a CBD Brand

14 Things to Look for in a CBD Brand

The Importance of Awareness & Education 1. Decide Why You Want to Use CBD The first thing to consider is what you are trying to achieve with CBD. Are you using it for a physical health issue like inflammation or pain or for an emotional reason, like stress or anxiety? You can get more out of the product when you target a health condition and then monitor results over a few days to a few weeks. 2. Find Out...

Hemp as Medicine

A Brief History of Hemp as Medicine

The history of hemp being used for health and the management of illness doesn’t go back a mere couple hundred years, but instead, thousands of years and deep into ancient times. Over 5,000 years ago, Ancient Chinese, Indians and Egyptians understood how important hemp was for physical and emotional health. All three cultures used it to help alleviate depression, sleep difficulties, seizures, muscle spasms and pain. Around 4,500 years ago, the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung, who practiced natural medicine and is...